Tuesday, January 10, 2006


Rules: “The first player of this game starts with the topic “five weird habits of yourself,” and people who get tagged need to write an entry about their five weird habits as well as state this rule clearly. In the end, you need to choose the next five people to be tagged and link to their web journals. Don’t forget to leave a comment in their blog or journal that says “You are tagged” (assuming they take comments) and tell them to read yours.”

Okay… Veronica tagged me… here are my odd habits

1. When I’m in a pissy mood (like right now), I MUST listen to my music VERY LOUD -- especially if it’s Maroon 5, Train, or Dave Matthews. It amazes me how much it helps. Kinda just blocks everyone and everything out until I can get my bearings.

2. Sometimes I drink beer.

3. I don’t mind folding clothes… I just don’t like putting them away. Often times they sit in neat folded piles on the bed in the guest bedroom until I wear them again. (Currently – in the dead of “winter” – my white pants are folded sitting on the bed waiting to be put away). Granted, there ARE times the clothes don’t get folded either. (I guess I find this an “odd habit” cause I’m otherwise, typically a “neat freak.”)

4. Kinda going with number three above, at work, I never file papers. I put them in a neat pile in the file cabinet with the most recent paper work on top. I can typically gage where a particular paper is in the pile. Every six months I throw the bottom half of the pile away (I just did that today, actually). For this reason, you’ll find number five below.

5. I do not like to print ANYTHING. I don’t own a printer. I don’t like paper… and I don’t like to save paper, file paper, keep notebooks/binders, etc.. (Don’t read tree-hugger into this – granted, I’m not into wasting our precious resources – but I’m not a tree-hugger.) I, thus, love our technological age which allows me to keep my file drawers rather empty.

I don’t know who to tag... I’ve not made many (any) blogger friends yet. SO, I tag whoever happens to read this. Tag, you're it... go!


Blogger rita said...

I'm with you on #3... strongly dislike putting clothes away...love folding them.

I'll have to borrow some Maroon 5 and Train. I find U2 can be effective for my pissy moods.

beer? really??

And now I know your secret to a tidy home... no paper!!! Red prints EVERYTHING. This drives me batty. I throw away whatever I can when he is not looking. :)

7:52 PM  

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